2015.04.23. 16:19
neve: |
Odina |
születési dátuma: |
2010 / szeptember | 12 |
fajtája: |
Paint Horse |
neme: |
kanca |
színe: |
Tarka |
ismertető jegyei: |
hóka | 4 láb kesely |
törzskönyvezett neve: |
PS Odina |
törzskönyvi azonosítója: |
PH-293850 |
származási helye: |
Pata.Csata |
PS Odina |
PS Sonny Dee Zippin
Ferrari |
Felizia |
Shade of Beige
Color Me Now |
Shady Fleet |
eredmények száma: |
28 db. |
képzettsége: |
küllem | western (pleasure) |
hivatalos okmányok: |
rajtengedély - lóútlevél - tenyészengedély |
minősítések: 5xGOOD, 2x PERFECT, 4xGREAT, 5xNICE, PRETTY, 3rd Placed Horse in Apearance in February, 3rd Placed Horse in Rare's Competition, 1st Placed in Paradox May Appearance, 1st Placed in Unique Horse Appearance, 2nd Placed in Rolex Appearance, 2nd Placed in Mare Appearance, Nice horse in I. BC Appearance, 3rd Placed in Dvayne Days, 2nd Placed in Western Show, Good Horse in III. Fast Appearane, Nice horse in The Colors of Summer, Pretty horse in We Love Each Other, Nice Horse in Amonio, 3rd Placed on Mares and Foals Appearance, 2nd placed Mare on Golden Apple Appearance, 2nd Placed in Mare Appearance, 3rd Horse in T'S PS Opening Show, Western Category, 3rd Placed in My Favourite Pics. App., Good horse in Shandara |
1. HELY: Paradox May Appearance | kancak | paradoxic.gp
1. HELY: Unique Horse Appearance | Különleges színek, jegyek- Kanca | paradoxic.gp
2. HELY: Rolex Appearance | kancak | paradoxic.gp
2. HELY: Mare Appearance | Haladok | paradoxic.gp
2. HELY: I. Amonio Days | Pleasure | amonio.gp
2. HELY: Western Show | Kullem | paradoxic.gp
2. HELY: I. BC Appearance | Kancak | belcavallo.gp
2. HELY: Mare Appearance in September | paradoxic.gp
2. HELY: Golden Apple Appearance | kancak | lopopofogo.gp
2. HELY: Western Horses Appearance | kanca | shandara.gp.hu
2. HELY: The Colors of Summer | Tarka | belcavallo.gp
3. HELY: We Love Each Other | Simple Appearance | belcavallo.gp
3. HELY: We Love Each Other | We Love Each Other | belcavallo.gp
3. HELY: Appearance in February | kanca | perfections.gp
3. HELY: Dressage in February | profi | perfections.gp
3. HELY: July Appearance | kancak | perfections.gp
3. HELY: I. Appearance in February | tarka, foltos lovak | magicalracepark.gp
3. HELY: III. Fast Appearance | Kancak | dvaynes.gp
3. HELY: T's PS Opening Show | lovaglas | privatestable.gp
3. HELY: Dvayne Days | kancak | dvaynes.gp
3. HELY: Bye-bye School | western lovak | magicalracepark.gp
3. HELY: Daciis First Cup | Western | magicalracepark.gp
3. HELY: Mares and Foals Appearance | kanca | prps.gp
3. HELY: September Cup | western | magicalracepark.gp
3. HELY: My Favourite Pics Appearance | egyeb | lamorte.gp
3. HELY: One Week Appearance | western lovak | magicalracepark.gp
4. HELY: The Big Western Show II. | Halter | drawtales.gp.hu
6. HELY: Nyitó Küllemverseny | Paint Horse | agarverseny.gp |